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At GBA Consulting Engineers, we're proud of our team's commitment to improve the lives of the communities in Central Western Queensland by providing first-class engineering solutions. We're also proud of the diverse team delivering these solutions, some of which come from a service background including the Army and Navy. This month, we share the service background from three of our staff.


Mark Tennent is a Senior Surveyor and joined GBA in 2016.

What role in the service did you carry out and where?

​Primarily as an Engineer Surveyor on tasks within Australia such as civil/military construction and exercises overseas in a Nation building role in a number of pacific Islands such as Solomon, Tonga and The Cook Islands, Humanitarian Aid in Bandah Aceh Indonesia, and operational deployments to Afghanistan within the 1st Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force.

Which sections of the Defence Force did you serve in?

The Corp of Royal Australian Engineers, Army

What was your rank?


Why did you join the Defence Force?

An offer of job security and good working conditions

When did you join and how long did you serve?

I joined in 1989 and served for 22 years

Where in the world were you posted?

​Posted to Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin. Deployed overseas to Tonga, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Bandah Aceh Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan

What did you enjoy most?

​The travel and the camaraderie, and the discipline


Deborah Fenton is a Technical Officer and joined GBA in 2020.

What role in the service did you carry out and where?

I was a Communicator in the Royal Australian Navy. I worked as a watchkeeper in the (MSO) Communications centre at HMAS Albatross, working 4 days on, 4 days off – 12 hour shifts. My role involved sending and receiving signals for ships and shore establishments. I also worked in Flight Planning. My role was to assist the tower with arrival/departure messages for aircraft, phone calls, and any admin duties.

Which sections of the Defence Force did you serve in?

I was a Medic, and then transferred branch to Communications.

What was your rank?

Leading Wran

Why did you join the Defence Force?

Both my parents were in, the lifestyle appealed to me, and the structure of the military in general

When did you join and how long did you serve?

17 years of age I joined, and was in for 6 years

Where in the world were you posted?

Only Australia, but we lived overseas when my father was serving in the Royal Australian Navy.

What did you enjoy most?

Enjoyed the discipline, working as a team, and the mateship and friendships I made whilst serving, still have them to this day nearly 40 years ago.

Deb is seen 4th, back row


Chris Rohan is a Project Manager and joined GBA in 2019.

What role in the service did you carry out and where?

I joined the Army in 1997 and attended the Royal Military College (RMC – Duntroon). I graduated in 1998 and was allocated to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps. I have served on operations in East Timor and Iraq and served in New Zealand posted to the Officer Cadet School (OCS – NZ). I have served and commanded from Platoon to Company level in Infantry Battalions in 1 and 2 RAR in Townsville and numerous postings around the country in between. After 18 years of service I was discharged succumbing to numerous and repeated knee injuries.

Which sections of the Defence Force did you serve in?

Army – RAINF (Royal Australian Infantry Corps)

What was your rank?


Why did you join the Defence Force?

Not really sure – there is a strong history in my family of military service, my Grandfather, Father and Brother all served. Two of my young cousins serve in both the Navy and the Army.

When did you join and how long did you serve?

21 Jan 1997 – 30 Sep 2015, 18 years, 9 months.

Where in the world were you posted?

Operational trips to East Timor and Iraq, other places I’ve visited Germany, New Zealand, PNG, America (Hawaii)

What did you enjoy most?

Responsibility and challenges of leading soldiers in both operational and peace time. My time at the Officer Cadet School as the Senior Instructor of Leadership, being a Platoon Commander on operations in East Timor during INTERFET.

Chris during an Exercise in Germany, 2008


To Mark, Deb, Chris and the many other servicemen and women, we thank you for your service.



73 Elm Street (PO Box 169)

Barcaldine  QLD  4725


Phone:  07 4651 5177



Unit 4, 5 Church Lane (PO Box 305)

Emerald  QLD  4720


Phone: 07 4982 1826


Unit 2, 74 Victoria Parade (PO Box 282)

Rockhampton  QLD  4700


Phone:  07 4843 5519


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Toowoomba QLD 4350


Phone: 07 4651 5177

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