Keith Luckhurst joined GBA Consulting Engineers in 2001 after moving to Australia from Zimbabwe with his wife Debbie and children, Noel and Tara. Before moving to Australia Keith ran his own business from 1989, specialising in the design and construction of dams both for private and commercial companies and farmers.
In 1980, Keith completed his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town and in 1986 completed his MBA specialising in Management Information Systems from Stirling University in Scotland.
Keith became a partner at GBA Consulting Engineers in 2006 alongside Kev Kerr, Simon Bourne and Graeme Wills. While with GBA, Keith has worked on a large range of projects across Queensland including in Boulia Shire, Mckinley Shire, Winton Shire, Cloncurry Shire, Ilfracombe Shire, Longreach Regional and Barcaldine Regional Councils. Keith also has a passion for aircraft’s and had taken on the role of custodian for GBA’s 3 aircrafts (COR, CHW and CCY) and mentor for the pilots. Keith will be retiring on 30 June 2021.
Ahead of his retirement, we asked Keith to share a little bit about his time with us:
I left Zimbabwe and joined GBA in October 2001. Since arriving I have worked in Ilfracombe, Winton, McKinlay, Boulia, Burke and Barcaldine. All the shires have been great to work in and the people have been fantastic, especially the works overseers. A special mention goes to Wayne Taylor of Ilfracombe, who took me under his wing and in a very subtle way guided me through the intricacies of local government. It was also great to work with Vaughn Becker (CEO), George Simpson and Steve Rosberg. We did some interesting projects together, the most memorable being the culverts at Saltbush on the Isisford Road and the Bore Hole Spa at the Ilfracombe swimming pool.
Being part of the GBA team has been a really enjoyable experience. The staff are easy to work and socialise with. A comment from one of our competitors was that he didn’t understand how we get such competent employees. Living and working in the outback has made it possible to understand the communities that we work for and how the remoteness affects the way that the work must be approached.
Living in Barcaldine has been a treat. Both Debbie, my wife, and I come from small communities in Zimbabwe, so understand how small communities work. Everyone knows your business, probably before you do. But when help is needed everyone is willing to do so. A great community spirit.
I retire this year in June. We are planning on moving to Tasmania, where the trout fishing is and closer to the kids who are in Melbourne. A new chapter in our lives to look forward to.
All the team at GBA Consulting Engineers wish Keith all the best with his next chapter.